Energy Transfer

LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, TX to Nederland, TX
PROJECT: Lone Star & Orbit 68-Mile Dual 20-Inch Pipeline
SCOPE: MPH provided project planning, development, engineering, design, mapping, surveying, property plat and permit acquisition document preparation for the 68-mile Energy Transfer Dual 20-Inch Lone Star and Orbit Pipeline Systems Project. Approximately 500 ROW Plat and Permit Documents, 90 Alignment, & 200 Pipeline Crossing Design Construction Drawings were developed. The 5 ft. on centers dual 20-Inch pipelines were designed and installed as Simultaneous Conventional Co-lay and Stacked & Staggered Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) installations. Typical pipeline conventional trench excavations were a minimum of 6-8 ft. deep and 10-12 ft. wide. HDD stacked and staggered installations ranged from 1,200 LF to 7,000 LF. A total of approximately 136-miles (720,000 LF) of 20-Inch steel pipe was installed. To meet the pipeline construction schedule demand, MPH survey personnel and equipment were mobilized and deployed from the MPH Midland, San Antonio, Houston, Winnie, and Houma Operations. Multiple Tactical 2-Man Land & Amphibious Field Survey Crews were simultaneously deployed throughout the 68-mile project theatre.


LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, TX
PROJECT: Winfree & Dyer Pipeline Corridor and Third Party Pipeline Rights Acquisition Project
SCOPE: MPH assisted ONEOK with the Mont Belvieu, TX Winfree & Dyer Pipeline Corridor and Third Party Pipeline Rights Acquisition Project. The Winfree & Dyer pipeline corridors were established over the past 20 years and are two of the only remaining exclusive controlled pipeline corridors located within the highly congested Mont Belvieu, TX industrial area. MPH has been the primary pipeline and land surveyor for the Winfree and Dyer Corridors for 15 years. The combined corridors have the potential for over 1,500,000 LF of new pipeline right of ways. MPH assisted ONEOK with project planning and development and provided land surveying and mapping services necessary for the preparation of right-of-way acquisition plats, maps, and other associated documents necessary for the ONEOK acquisition. Approximately 83,823 LF of variable width pipeline corridors and approximately 580 Acres of third party pipeline rights properties were surveyed and mapped. The survey work included ALTA grade and Category II boundary survey and mapping operations. Hundreds of landowner deed and boundary records were reviewed and analyzed. The project begin in October and was completed on time to meet the December 21, 2020 deadline.

Energy Transfer

LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, TX
PROJECT: Lone Star Mont Belvieu Storage Interconnecting Flex Pipeline System Project
SCOPE: MPH provided for project planning, development, engineering, design, mapping, surveying, property plat and permit acquisition document preparation for the Energy Transfer (ETC) Lone Star Mont Belvieu Storage Interconnecting Flex Pipeline System Project. Fourteen interconnecting pipeline facilities ranging in size from 4-Inch to 30-Inch totaling approximately 35,000 LF were installed. The interconnecting pipeline systems were designed and installed within the highly congested industrial complex ETC West Meter, Fractionator Units, North, Central, CMB, South Terminal, and Smith Tract Facility Areas. Conventional Pipe Lay, Horizontal Directional Drill, Guided Directional Bore, Multi Pipe Lay, and Bundled HDD design construction installation methods were utilized. Simultaneous multiple pipeline construction installation operations were required to meet the ETC Project Schedules.

Enterprise Products Operating, LP

LOCATION: Midland,TX to Seely, TX
PROJECT: Midland to Sealy Segment 1 & 2
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 83.6 miles (Segment 1) and 83.2 miles (Segment 2) of 36” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system from Midland, TX to San Angelo, TX (Segment 1) and San Angelo, TX to Brady, TX (Segment 2)

Enterprise Products Operating, LP

LOCATION: Waco, TX to Mont Belvieu, TX
PROJECT: Texas Express Pipeline Segments 3 & 4
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 243 miles of 20” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system from Skellytown, TX to Mont Belvieu, TX

Seaway Crude PL LLC RAP

LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, TX to Port Arthur, TX
PROJECT: Seaway Loop Project Echo to Port Arthur
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 60 miles of 30” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system from Cushing, OK to Freeport, TX

Phillips 66

LOCATION: St. James, LA to Clovelly, LA
SCOPE: Provide Surveying, Mapping, and Environmental Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately (60 miles) of 24” pipeline

Chevron Pipe Line Company

LOCATION: Rangely, CO to Spokane, WA
PROJECT: Centerline and Encroachment Survey of the Salt Lake Crude and Products
SCOPE: Provided Surveying and GIS services for centerline verification and collection of encroachment data for (990 miles) of crude and products pipelines. MPH developed custom field data collection tool to collect data for Chevron’s PODS Database.

Mont Belvieu Caverns, LLC

LOCATION: Chambers, TX
PROJECT: MTBV Frac Expan-YGrd-Prod Hand
SCOPE: Provide Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for (4.4 miles) of Dual 16″ and Dual 24″ Pipeline for the construction of multiple pipelines from east to north storage pipeline corridor.

Enterprise Products Operating, LP

LOCATION: Conroe, TX to Mont Belvieu, TX
PROJECT: Proposed Shin Oak Pipeline Segments 7 & 8
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 100 miles of 24” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system from west of Conroe, TX to Mont Belvieu, TX


LOCATION: Louisiana
PROJECT: West Monroe Reliability Program
SCOPE: Provide UAS Remote Sensing Services for 24 miles of power transmission route: LiDAR, Photogrammetry, and Video inspection surveying services will be performed by utilizing a combination of Mobile LiDAR (ORUV) and an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).

Enterprise Products Operating, LP

LOCATION: Orla, TX to Waha Gas Plant, TX
PROJECT: ORLA 36” Residue Pipeline
SCOPE: Provide Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 70 miles of 36” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system Orla, TX to Waha Gas Plant, TX

Genesis Energy, L.P. AKA – Genesis Pipeline USA

LOCATION: Raceland, LA to Houma, LA
PROJECT: 20″ Pipeline from the Raceland Rail Facility to Shell Houma Tank Farm
SCOPE: Surveying, Mapping and Environmental Services for (±10.5 miles) of 20” pipeline from the Genesis Raceland Rail Facility to Shell Houma Tank Farm.

Enterprise Products Operating, LP

LOCATION: Orla, TX to Midland, TX
PROJECT: Shin-Oak Spread 1A/1B/1C
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Regulatory Permitting services for the construction of approximately 150 miles of 24” pipeline being a segment of a pipeline system Orla, TX to Midland, TX

Chevron Pipe Line Company

LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, TX
PROJECT: Cedar Bayou to Targa Pipeline System
SCOPE: Provided Surveying and GIS services for 8 pipelines totaling (3.5 miles) of various diameters; 16”,12”,10”,8” & 4”. All pipeline data was delivered in PODS compliant format.

Le Gros Memorial Airport

LOCATION: Esterwood, LA
PROJECT: Le Gros Memorial Airport Drainage Improvements
SCOPE: Provided Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing Services for the LeGros Memorial Airport Drainage project. MPH conducted a GPS survey on their two existing runways. MPH also performed a UAS LiDAR/Photogrammetry survey of approximately 200-acres utilizing a Microdrone UAS equipped with a LiDAR unit. The flight height was 60-m AGL and the UAS operated at approximately 3.5m/s. These parameters yielded approximately 50 points per square meter and had an accuracy of approximately 1-3cm prior to post-processing. MPH extracted contour data and topographic data from the post-processed LiDAR and Photogrammetric datasets.

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

LOCATION: Sulphur/Carlyss, LA
PROJECT: AP tie-in to AP Customer
SCOPE: Preliminary Surveying, Mapping and Environmental Services for (±8 miles) from AP tie-in to a potential new AP customer.

Boardwalk Louisiana Midstream Formerly PetroLogistics & PL Midstream

LOCATION: Addis, LA to Geismar, LA
PROJECT: Choctaw Salt Dome (Addis, LA) to Westlake facility (Geismar, LA).
SCOPE: Surveying, Mapping and Environmental Services for (±26 mile) pipeline from Choctaw Salt Dome (Addis, LA) to Westlake facility (Geismar, LA).

City of Mont Belvieu 

LOCATION: Mont Belvieu, Texas
PROJECT: Development of Local Government GIS System
SCOPE: MPH was contracted by the City of Mont Belvieu, TX to develop an enterprise GIS System for use by the various city departments and agencies. The GIS was developed using ESRI’s Local Government Model. MPH began by developing a variety of datasets for the GIS System. MPH then created secure, internal web-based GIS solutions for the City’s Public Works, EMS, Police, and Fire departments as well as a web-based solution for the City staff to use for Community Development, Planning, and Engineering. MPH created mobile GIS solutions for tracking Public Works projects, asset management, code enforcement, and disaster recovery. Additionally, public GIS sites were developed to view the City’s Capital Projects, aid in tourism, and report code violations. MPH also provided on-site training to the city staff. 

Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority

LOCATION: Plaquemines Parish, near Venice, LA
PROJECT: Spanish Pass Marsh and Ridge Restoration Project
SCOPE: MPH performed a reconnaissance level survey along predetermined transects during the 15% design phase. The data collected was used by the Prime consultant to optimize the project footprint to 67 fill areas. During the 30% design phase, MPH performed a more detail survey within the 67 fill areas in an effort to aide with final design of the project

Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority

LOCATION: Terrebonne Parish, near Chauvin, LA
PROJECT: Terrebonne Bay Ridge and Marsh Creation Project – Bayou Terrebonne Increment
SCOPE: MPH performed a reconnaissance level survey within the borrow and fill areas during the 15% design phase. The survey within the borrow area involved performing bathymetry, magnetometer, limited geophysical and UXO surveying services. Within the fill area, MPH collected bathymetry within all of small trenassas and along predetermined survey transects. Due to the data collected within both the borrow and fill areas, the Prime consultant decided to expand the both areas in an effort to provide a more sustainable, cost-effective project.  

Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority

LOCATION: St. Bernard Parish, near Hopedale, LA
PROJECT: Lake Borgne Marsh Creation Project – Increment One
SCOPE: MPH performed a reconnaissance level survey within the borrow and fill areas during the 15% design phase. The survey within the borrow area involved performing bathymetry, magnetometer, limited geophysical and UXO surveying services. Within the fill area, MPH collected bathymetry within all of small trenassas and along predetermined survey transects. Due to the data collected within both the borrow and fill areas, the Prime consultant decided to expand the both areas in an effort to provide a more sustainable, cos-effective project.  

Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority

LOCATION: Cameron Parish near Cameron, LA
PROJECT: Rabbit Island Restoration
SCOPE: MPH performed a bathymetry and magnetometer survey within the initial proposed borrow identified in the Calcasieu River. In addition, MPH performed bathymetry and magnetometer surveys within the proposed access corridors. A topographic cross section survey was performed within Rabbit Island. After completion of the initial surveys and acceptance of the final survey report, MPH was contacted by the Prime consultant and asked to assist LSU Ag as they performed a geophysical survey within an extended borrow area south of the initially proposed area in the Calcasieu River. MPH served as a representative on board their vessel and provided support for sub-bottom and side scan sonar data collection. MPH also collected and processed magnetometer data as part of this survey.